ERP integration to multiple chat platforms, Robust BI and Analytics capabilities, AI-powered chatbot and scalability are some of the few prime features of the bot. You can visit our “WhyGnie” page to further understand about the bot in detail.
No, TimeGnie integrates to the already existing ecosystem.
TimeGnie as a bot acts as a support in streamlining every section of your organization to enhance performance which in-turn helps you plan your projects and the money you invest in your resources for the respective project,thus, evaluating your revenue for your business.
Time Gine is scalable to any number of users. In case you have 300-500 users or more for a particular project or more even, TimeGnie is accessible to a large number of users.
An AI smartbot is your go-to solution if you are looking to mindfully expand your business across the industry with your expertise. It helps reduce operational cost by almost 40%, requires little or no human intervention to handle queries, they are the best and most seamless virtual assistant with minimal time-consumption and hassle and most importantly, it improves employee productivity and efficiency considerably so yes, an AI smartbot is your ideal solution.
Yes, you can extract the relevant information in an excel which is available as an option in the bot itself which will provide accurate and actionable insights instantly.
Time Gine is a customised application that works with in MS Teams, Slack and Google Chat
Updates would happen periodically, user intervention is not required for the update, TimeGnies algorithm allows for constant learning and adapting to the questions and responses. The bot becomes smarter as we have more interactions with the bot.
Since this works within the existing firewall a DMZ or inbound port opening on the Firewall would not be required.
A common misconception is that bots are only useful if you meet certain criteria or have certain scenarios. In reality, all businesses can benefit from bots, no matter the size.
Why hire a customer service representative when you have a virtual assistant that can transform your workplace into a leading brand with our AI-powered bot interface?
Want to know more about Enterprise bot platform integration in to your organization? Submit your details with us and we will get in touch soon!